Inline Pipeline Inspection Report

The ultimate measures of an inline inspection report’s value are its usability, its accuracy, and its insightfulness.

NDT Global has been honing the value of our Inline Inspection Report by focusing on these three measures for more than two decades. Our commitment to the excellence and usefulness of this report is ongoing, meaning that every customer gets a best-in-class report when they partner with NDT Global.

During the course of an inspection, NDT Global gathers gigabytes-worth of data. The sheer volume of this data can make using it a daunting challenge. As a result, we’ve focused as much energy on making this information useful as we do on developing the hardware and software to collect it. Our team of experienced analysts developed our Inline Inspection Report with the goal of making it immediately actionable. This focus is expressed in the report by sorting through millions of data points about features and determining the ones that have the potential to be most injurious. These features are highlighted with annotated screenshots and charts that let customers know where these features are located, their sizing and orientation, and their potential for injuriousness. This straightforward report formatting was developed to deliver the clarity for which NDT Global has come to be known.

Reports are only as good as the data upon which they’re based. The Pipeline Operators Forum 2016 specifications and requirements for inline inspections and the API STD 1163 serve as the base for NDT Global’s data quality guarantee. Our tools and systems are designed to not only meet these requirements, but to exceed them so that customers can have 100% confidence in the quality of the data we gather. In the unlikely event that a specific system presents inspection challenges that would compromise this quality of collected data, we identify and communicate this potential to customers upfront. Supplementing our commitment to providing only the highest quality data, NDT Global is 100% transparent in our inspection processes, so customers have visibility into how and where we gather the data points that are ultimately presented in the final report. An important aspect of our data quality is the ability to gather data from multiple technologies simultaneously in a single run, presenting the collected data in a single report; the scale of this collected data combined with its unparalleled accuracy provides customers with an even deeper understanding of their asset integrity. For customers, all of these efforts to ensure data accuracy result in the ability to make the best-informed decisions about the integrity of their asset.

Image of man looking at pipeline data on a monitor

Insights are a critical deliverable for any report, but the quality of insights can be nebulous because they’re the product of accumulated judgement based on teams whose experience can be difficult to assess.

NDT Global removes any uncertainty about our insights by recruiting and retaining the best, most experienced analysts in the business; our analysts have some of the most extensive experience in the inline inspection business. All of our analysts and engineers are credentialed, with many having dual engineering degrees and Level 3 analyst certification on top of their extensive experience in the field. As a result, the insights they provide are informed not only by the information gathered in a single inspection, but also by similar or comparable inspections in the past. Operators can have confidence making decisions based on the insights provided by this unmatched team of experts.

This Inline Inspection Report is NDT Global’s flagship product, and the descriptions above only scratch the surface of how much time and effort we’ve invested in making it the most useful tool for managing the health of pipeline operations. If you want to learn more about how NDT Global’s Inline Inspection Report can help inform an optimal integrity management program, contact us today.

Up close photo of an ILI tool

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